How to (maybe) get your music on Hip Christmas
Be aware that for Hip Christmas and my other website, Randy's Rodeo, I listen to and write about three types of records:
- Reissues
- Old Christmas records
- Reissues of old Christmas records
And, as you may have already guessed, I have plenty of Christmas music. I don't really need anymore. If I keep reviewing the stuff I already own at my current sluggardly pace, I will catch up sometime around 2053. Unless you're reissuing something classic, I don't recommend you bother sending me anything. And, if you are, please do!
All the same, if you absolutely must send me your masterpiece, I'll do my best to incorporate it into the website somehow - probably listed on my annual What's New page and/or posted on my Facebook page. It is highly unlikely that I'll take the time to formally review it. If I do review it (and don't hold your breath), be warned that it won't necessarily be a positive review.
Still want to send me stuff? To review your music I need either a compact disc with complete cover art, or high quality digital files with hi-resolution electronic artwork at least 1500 pixels square - or both. I'd like to know a little bit about you or your band, so I'll take whatever press clippings or releases you have. Please don't expect me to respond or send anything back to you. And, don't assume I'll listen to your album anytime soon, and certainly don't assume I will like it.
Still want to submit your music to me? Really? Send it by email or snail mail:
Randall Anthony
5903 Belfast Drive
Austin, Texas 78723
I will also accept submissions for my Books and Links pages. Thanks for your interest, and no matter what you do, keep on rocking, rolling, swinging, and/or twanging. If you have any questions, send me an email.